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Periodontal Disease and Chronic Respiratory Infections

If you have chronic respiratory infections, it could be connected with the health of your gums. Untreated periodontal disease is known to be related to a variety of health problems, including ongoing respiratory issues, Cancer, Diabetes, and other problems. Furthermore, you could be at significantly elevated risk of stroke and heart disease.

Your oral health is about more than keeping your smile looking healthy and pain-free. Oral bacteria can enter the bloodstream, the gut, and can even be inhaled into the lungs. As gum disease means an ongoing oral infection, that bacteria could be putting a heavy load that’s too much to bear on your immune system and ongoing oral infections can mean chronic problems with the lungs.

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Get a Gum Assessment Today

At our Mishawaka dental office, Dr. Mighion and his team make gum assessments part of our regular routine with patients. And if you have signs of poor gum health, we can offer strategies to minimize the risk of that spreading beyond your gums, including non-surgical periodontal treatments and ongoing periodontal maintenance that can stop gum disease in its tracks.

Signs of Periodontal Disease

Gum disease can start out as pain-free but could be sneakily playing havoc with your health. Do you have bleeding gums? Have you noticed changes in your gums or your oral health? If you also have ongoing problems with respiratory infections this may not be a coincidence. If you haven’t recently had a gum assessment, it’s important to make that part of your health and wellness routine. The same is said for those with Diabetes, with osteoporosis, and a number of other health problems because in many of these cases, one can exacerbate the other.

Dr. Mighion: Prevention and Treatment for Periodontitis

Do you have questions about keeping your gums healthy and / or lowering your chances of systemic diseases that are related to periodontal health? We offer gum assessments, painless screening for oral cancer, and non-surgical periodontal treatments in our modern and comfortable dental office in Mishawaka, Indiana. Our dental team is caring, compassionate, and here to help you have a healthy smile that can last a lifetime. We can help with dentures, dental restorations, sleep apnea dental appliances, and offer sedation dentistry for those who want to minimize dental anxiety.